Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
The Golden Hours
Dang, I love this song from The Golden Hours - simple instrumentation and vocals that you just don't hear every day.
Dead Leaf Echo
Dead Leaf Echo is very retro sounding to me - suggested for anyone who loves the early days of modern rock.
Parachute Musical
When I first got the Parachute Musical album I was totally obsessed with this song and the lyrics. I just rediscovered it the other day. "Only time will tell that you have been a disgrace..."
I think fans of Wilco will be happy with what Phonograph has to offer. They're touring right now in support of their self-titled CD that just came out.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Frames
Although The Frames released The Cost in Ireland way back in September of last year, it's just getting a proper release today here in the States. Definitely check this one out if you haven't gotten it as an import already!
That's Him! That's The Guy!
If you read the bio on That's Him! That's The Guy! you'll find that David's a little bit country and Joe's a little bit rock 'n roll. Together these two Michiganians have created one sweet little EP. Instruments on it include the harmonica, banjo, accordion, and my favorite, the glockenspiel.
Conqueror is the new album from Jesu (pronounced yay-zu), and it's out today on Hydra Head Records.
Bye Bye Bicycle
Here's a new demo track from one of Sweden's finest new discoveries, Bye Bye Bicycle.
I highly recommend VietNam if you're a fan of bands like The Black Angels... and coincidentally these two bands will be touring together March 24 - April 14.
Monday, February 19, 2007
Bear Colony
Bear Colony is one of my favorite bands I'm listening to right now. And that's some really fun artwork they got for their cover! Suggested for fans of Death Cab For Cutie.
The Berg Sans Nipple
The Berg Sans Nipple, being half French, take their name from a phrase meaning "mountain without a top." Their CD is available now from Team Love.
Charlotte Hatherley
United Kingdom
Charlotte Hatherley is probably most known as being the former guitarist for the band Ash. She's doing the solo thing now and this track is one of my favorites so far this year.
Clinic always has the best press photos. I like how they look like real clinicians in this one... and on the beach too! This song is from their latest record, Visitations.
Dustin Kensrue
Admittedly, Dustin Kensrue's style is a little more Americana than I usually lean. Nonetheless, Please Come Home is a solid album and highly recommended for fans of good Ryan Adams.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Inventions For The New Season is the new one from Maserati and it'll be out in May. I'm certain this one's going to be instant classic among all post-rock lovers. This lead track is a long one, but it's so worth every second of it.
Booka Shade
Booka Shade is a German duo comprised of Walter Merziger and Arno Kammermeier. Together they create some of the most progressive beats out there today. These guys are highly recommended for fans of the ambient lounge mix.
Albert Hammond Jr.
Albert Hammond Jr. (from The Strokes) has put out a solo record with a supporting cast including Josh Lattanzi on bass and Matt Romano on drums. I recommend this if you like... well, The Strokes.
The Good, The Bad & The Queen
I'm sure most everyone already knows about them, but I just started listening to the self-titled disc from The Good, The Bad & The Queen. Apparently whatever Damon Albarn does is just golden. I like it a lot, and it doesn't really remind me of Blur or Gorillaz.
Lucinda Williams
So I'll be the first person to admit that Lucinda Williams doesn't seem like someone I'd post about. It's not that I can't appreciate her talent; it's just that this style of music really isn't my thing. However, her new album keeps growing on me. And this track I'm featuring is just amazing. I imagine it playing during a scene with Jerri Blank hitting the peace pipe.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Warm In The Wake
Warm In The Wake is definitely one of those new bands to watch for in '07. Their 7-song EP was just released last month from Livewire Recordings and if you're in my neck of the woods, you can check them out at Grog and Tankard on February 22.
Apparently this recording from Postscripts was created with nothing more than a microphone and a laptop. Nonetheless, it's quite impressive, using both analog and digital instrumentation to create stunning electro-pop. Suggestion: listen to this one with your headphones on.
Days is part of the Swedish wonder that I don't think I'll ever quite understand. There's just a certain comfort I hear in the Swedes that I don't get from so many other artists. This track comes from their Downhill EP
James Yorkston
James Yorkston has a new disc out on the always impressive Domino label. I highly recommend him if you like guys like Sufjan Stevens or Jose Gonzalez.
As a vocalist, Paul Hogan of Frances reminds me of other lead singers like Ben Bridwell of Band Of Horses or Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips. That's only the icing on the cake for this remarkable ensemble. Looks they'll be playing Piano's in NYC with Sad Little Stars, Goes Cube, and The Muggabears on February 26. Wow, what a show!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Fulton Lights
Andrew Spencer Goldman is the man behind Fulton Lights. His music is hypnotic in every sense of the word, with vocals expressing nothing but ease and instrumentation as soothing as the sun. I love this record! Fulton Lights is truly transcendent.
Explosions In The Sky
Explosions In The Sky continues to wow me with genius orchestration on their latest EP. Doesn't look like they're playing SXSW. They will be in DC at 9:30 Club during that time - on March 17.
Jensen Sportag
Mixmaster Max Tundra has declared Jensen Sportag his favorite unsigned band. Here's the lead track from their self-titled record. It sets the tone for the rest of this magnificent debut.
65daysofstatic is an instrumental band that throws sampled beats into the mix. Catch them in Austin for SXSW at Elysium on March 17.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sara Culler
Without a doubt, Sara Culler is my favorite new solo artist for 2007. Defined by simple harmonies and elegant instrumentation, Wolflike They Are gives us only a glimpse into all that she has to offer. Sara was recently featured as "Artist Of The Week" on Swedish National Radio P4 - please check it out here.
The Tiny
Out last year in Sweden, The Tiny's Starring: Someone Like You just got a U.S. release through Eyeball Records on January 23. This one is highly recommended if you like folky fun stuff like Joanna Newsom.
Soft Complex
Soft Complex is like a modern day marriage between The Smiths and New Order. This is one of DC's finest bands and one of the most polished new wave groups you'll find today. Their debut EP is available now through Silverthree Recordings and they'll be playing tomorrow night at The Rock & Roll Hotel with stellastarr* and Monsters Are Waiting.
Cuckoo Canoe
Cuckoo Canoe is highly recommended for fans of bands like The Strokes. Their debut album Basketball Freedom Overdrive is available now.
Rob Crow
Rob Crow has been part of countless musical projects and is most widely known for his band Pinback. His latest effort is a solo record entitled Living Well and I think it's some of his best work. Rob will be starting a tour in support of the new music, playing with people like Division Day, Make Believe, and Chin Up Chin Up. He'll be at The Rock & Roll Hotel here in DC on March 4 with Geoff Farina.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
"Before you left to go away, I wrote down what I couldn't say..."
Three members from Absinthe Blind went on to form Headlights. Oh, and they're my buddies. :-) This is an amazing amazing b-side.
Three members from Absinthe Blind went on to form Headlights. Oh, and they're my buddies. :-) This is an amazing amazing b-side.
This song takes me back to my DJing days with Miss Jenny Stewart. Hope you had a good birthday weekend, Jenny!
"Tell me more brilliant ideas...""Do you really want to know what I'm doing?"
Saturday, February 10, 2007
"Is it my fault you're not around..."
I had forgotten about this Kate Bush track until I randomly heard it yesterday.
Here's a really nice b-side from the "Street Spirit" single.
If you have never experienced The Books live, you're missing out! I saw these guys almost a year ago and I was seriously in awe - great video show to go along with the music. This was the second song they played and one of the most memorable. "My mind has a mind of its own..."
"It's egocentric to think you're existing with other people in mind..."
Friday, February 09, 2007
Black Daniel
I've been listening to the new EP from Black Daniel all day long, and I'm still not sick of it. These guys are the perfect way to start your weekend. Looks like they'll kick off a little European tour with Kasabian starting on February 14 (my birthday). Check out the dates here... just in case you're in that area.
Kristin Hersh
I've loved just about everything Kristin Hersh has had her hands in, and her latest solo effort is no exception. Here's a song that goes well with our weather these days.
The Icicles
The Icicles come highly recommended for anyone who is a fan of bands like The Eames Era. This is some of the best girly powerpop I've heard in a long time... no offense to the one dude in the band.
Jarvis Cocker
I just love the title of this song from Jarvis Cocker. I was never a huge Pulp fan, but I seriously enjoy most of the tracks on this new solo record simpled entitled Jarvis.
I'm really digging the latest music from !!!. It definitely shows progression from their earlier work. Myth Takes will be out on March 6.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The Ruby Suns
I'll admit it - I'm a sucker for a aesthetics, whether it be an album cover or a press photo. As a consumer, I'm easily swayed to listen to something just because of the way it looks... In the case with The Ruby Suns, the above photo is fun, and it gets me interested in checking out their music. Fortunately for the band, their music is as delightful as their demeanor.
Bess Rogers
It seems like there are so many powerful female artists coming out of the Brooklyn area these days. Originally from Texas, Bess Rogers now calls New York home. Order the new album, Decsions Based On Informaiton, directly from her MySpace page using PayPal.
Damn, I love this band! All I have from Foxes! is a sweet homemade CD with four tracks on it, but I'm hoping a full-length isn't long off. These guys (and lovely lady) claim their influences to be the likes of The Apples In Stereo and Yo La Tengo. The proof is definitely in this track.
Sondre Lerche
Could someone please answer me this - when did Sondre Lerche become a Brit? Maybe I'm crazy, but there is something very British sounding about this new record of his. Regardless, it's way more rockin' for him and it's really growing on me the more I listen to it.
Sharks And Seals
Sharks And Seals features members of prominent Chicago bands like Friend/Enemy and Joan Of Arc. On their latest record, It's Hard To Not Mean Anything, they got help from great artists like Tiffany Kowolski, Azita Youseffi, and Nate Kinsella. Be sure to give these guys a listen if you've been a fan of their past projects - you won't be disappointed! Oh... and they're on the wonderful Chicago-based label Brilliante. How can you go wrong with that?